Using our Compel-Challenge-Change model, we develop break-through cultures. These cultures rally around an uncluttered vision of the future, underpinned by powerful united values. Energy, excitement and passion abound with a deeply held belief that anything is possible. Cultural coherence and new leader and team behaviours, achieve new sustainable performance and results.
Hello, we're Linac Learning. We develop powerful sustainable cultures, leaders and teams.
We transform cultures, leaders and teams. We think big, aim high, and believe the sky's the limit! We will unleash the full potential of your business. We will guarantee and deliver extraordinary results for you, the type you only dream of!
Your people will grow, and flourish, and fuelled by a belief that anything is possible they will help your business to thrive, deliver fast, compete efficiently and operate profitably.
how are your leaders,
Are you serious about taking your leaders to a next level? Want to build unparalleled leadership capability that future proofs your business? Want to be the envy of your competitors? Want to develop leaders that promote, live and breath your culture and don't want to leave? Then here’s where you start.

What would a truly high performing team actually look like in your business? What would the impact be? We are obsessed about helping businesses create outstanding teams. It's the holy grail to long-term success. It'll boost your business appeal and retain your people, drive your numbers up, and your people will never stop reaching for more.

Company Wide Cultural Transformation
World-Class Leadership & Coaching
High Octane Courses & MasterClasses
Experiential Team Activities
Keynotes, Events & Away Days
Graduates & Apprentices Residential Programmes
Board, Senior, First-Line, Junior, Teams
In-Person, Virtual, Mobile Learning
Integrating our award winning ROI methodology with our pioneering Compel-Challenge-Change model guarantees all development is measured for success and results, and that all change achieved is both tangible and sustainable.
Our eclectic gifted team have worked across the world, with airlines, leading hotel chains, fashion brands, events companies, cruise liners, FMCG, formula one racing teams, retail and investment banks, pharmaceutical and healthcare, third sector, and quirky start-ups.
They were the only supplier that thoroughly thought through how the success
of the programme would be measured.
I would use Linac again in a heartbeat, they feel part of your organisation -
but they will challenge and question with positive intent, inspired,
by the belief that it can always be better.
- Group HR Director, Synergy Health

Once the decision was made to use Linac, the impact from the first few programmes was immediately noticeable.
- Global Learning Manager, GlaxoSmithKline
We like sharing our experience, our fresh ideas and tips, check out our blog!
We have deep experience, spanning two and half decades, delivering results-based cultural change and development programmes. Working across the globe, and across cultures and sectors, we carefully craft every solution to each organisation, always ensuring it exceeds expectations and is durable and stands the test of time.
We don't hassle and email bomb anyone!
We love sharing ideas, thoughts and real insights. We do this in the hope that
we can provoke curiosity and help
people to dream big, think
differently, work smarter
and take action.